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Southeast Asia

Bucketlist trip to Southeast Asia

The essentials of the southeast in 20 days

​Join one of our groups and take a unique trip. Meet amazing people and discover these amazing places: Bali, Ubud, Nusa Penida, Seminyak, Chiang Mai, White temple, Bangkok, Grand Palace, Phi Phi Islands, Hanoi, Halong Bay, Tam Coc and many more places.

Available dates

December 1st to 20th, 2024


20 days / 19 nights


$1999 USD

Day 1: Arrival in Chiang Mai

Meeting Point: hotel in Chiang Mai 12 pm

Let the adventure begin! Welcome to Southeast Asia, one of the regions in the world most full of culture, contrasts and landscapes. You will land at Chiang Mai airport in northern Thailand to begin your trip. Our meeting point with the entire group will be at the hostel where we will settle in and have a first coexistence.


Meals : Not included

Accommodation : 3-4* hotel in double room

Image by Johnny Africa

What you will accomplish from your Bucketlist

bathe an elephant

Try pad thai

Visit the white temple of Thailand and the grand palace

Getting to know Phi Phi Islands

Eating street food in Thailand

Get a thai massage

Get on a Tuk Tuk

Swinging on a rice terrace in Bali

Discover the monkey forest of Bali

See the dinosaur in Nusa Penida

Purify yourself in a temple in Bali

Try the Nasi Goreng and a Balinese Smoothie bowl

Discover a natural wonder of the world: Halong bay

Visit a Vietnamese pagoda

Get on a boat in Tam Coc

Try pho and Vietnamese coffee

Image by Jared Lisack

Package price

Southeast Asia Bucketlist

This is the price for the entire experience, with everything included broken down in the tab above. Additionally, with your trip you additionally contribute to the development of social impact programs.

Reserve your spot with only $150 USD

(Already included in the total price)

Pay in monthly installments and pay up to 30 days before

$1999 USD

Total price

  • What are the requirements?
    Be between 18 and 40 years of age Current travel documentation Have family/work permission before applying
  • How to apply for this package?
    To apply for any of the projects you must click on the “Apply Now” button where you will fill out a question form and specify which package you want to go for and on what date. A person from our team will receive your application and will contact you within no more than 2 days. As part of the process, you will be asked some questions to see the relevance of your application to the selected project in addition to answering your questions. Once this is done, you will be able to make the section for your place if you have been accepted to the project.
  • How do payments work?
    Once accepted to the program, you will be shared a link where you can make your deposit of $150 USD that is part of your final package, then the remainder is divided into 3 equal payments to be settled in the following scheme: Cash payments are not accepted and your package must be settled no later than one month before your trip.
  • How are flights handled?
    You will be responsible for purchasing your flights, however you will receive support and guidance from your experience coordinator to do so once the section is completed. The arrival airport and a recommended route will be provided once you are part of the group. *Important: If you decide to fly days before or leave after the established dates of your project, TWC is NOT responsible for your stay or any extra expenses incurred, or activities that are not carried out due to late arrival.
  • Is transfer to and from the airport included?
    This transfer is not included, for each route we have a meeting point where we meet with the entire Travelers Team. However, we can support you with contacts and information on how to make that transfer. The average price from the airport to the meeting point for almost all routes is $10 USD.
  • Who is going to accompany me?
    Coordinador de experiencias: Es la persona que te dará seguimiento de manera remota antes de tu viaje, te orientará en la búsqueda de vuelos, visado, vacunas y preparativos de viaje. Embajador: Esta persona te acompañará presencialmente durante tu paquete. Es el líder del grupo y coordinará todas las actividades Guías : Por lo general, son las personas expertas del destino que nos platicarán cada uno de los lugares visitados en los tours guiados. Travelers: Son los demás viajeros que se inscriban en tu mismo proyecto y en la misma fecha. Con ellos vivirás tu experiencia y formarás grandes lazos de amistad.
  • ¿En dónde voy a dormir?
    Nos hospedamos en hoteles 3 a 4 estrellas dependiendo de la ciudad, son habitaciones dobles por lo que te tocará compartir con 1 persona más en camas separadas. En caso de querer una habitación privada, más adelante en el proceso puedes platicarnos para cotizarlo por ti.
  • Is it safe to travel with TWC?
    Travelers With Cause is a social company registered since January 2018. We mobilize more than 1,000 travelers a year and we have registration with the Secretary of Tourism in Mexico. You will also be accompanied throughout your entire process from the moment you apply for one of our programs. until you come back from it. We do not travel to countries with political or social instability, or places that may be dangerous in certain ways. The safety of our travelers is a priority. It is important that you know that it is mandatory to travel with travel insurance since this will be of great support in case of any contingency. We will be able to support you later in your process so that you can get one that fits your needs.
  • What are the requirements?
    Tener entre 18 y 35 años de edad Documentación vigente para viajar
  • How to apply to this program?
    To apply for any of the projects you must click on the “Apply Now” button where you will fill out a question form and specify which project you want to go to and on what date. A person from our team will receive your application and will contact you within no more than 2 days. With this person you will be able to resolve doubts about the trip and once you are accepted into the program you must pay your deposit payment to reserve your place.
  • How are flights handled?
    You will be responsible for purchasing your flights, however you will receive support from your experience coordinator to do so. The arrival airport for this package is Chiang Mai International Airport *Important: If you decide to fly days before or leave after the established dates of your project, TWC is NOT responsible for your stay or any extra expenses incurred, or activities that are not carried out due to late arrival.
  • Is transfer to and from the airport included?
    NO, this transfer is not included, for each route we have a meeting point where we meet with the entire Travelers Team. However, we can support you with contacts and information on how to make that transfer. Our meeting point for this project is our accommodation in Chiang Mai starting at 2:00 pm. It is important that you know that it is extremely difficult to arrange logistics in case you do not arrive on the established day and time, so if this is not met, TWC will not be responsible for the logistics or expenses that this entails.
  • Where am I going to sleep?
    Where am I going to sleep? We stay in hostels in the area or 3-star hotels, you will share a room with other travelers and common areas. It is an excellent opportunity to meet people and make new friends.
  • Who is going to travel with me?
    Experience coordinator: This is the person who will follow you up remotely before your trip, helping you find flights, visas, vaccines and travel preparations. Ambassador: This person will accompany you in person during your package. He is the leader of the group and will coordinate all activities Guides: Generally, they are the experts of the destination who will tell us about each of the places visited on the guided tours. Travelers: These are the other travelers who sign up for your same project and on the same date. With them you will live your experience and form great bonds of friendship.
  • Why does it include a social impact contribution in the price?
    Because we are a social company, we work with rural communities to develop sustainable projects in them. This contribution helps us achieve goals and invest in the same projects that volunteers who visit these communities can carry out. This program is an adventure-only experience, so the communities are not visited. However, when you sign up for one of these packages, you are still contributing to social development, only with a financial contribution.
  • ¿Cómo se aseguran que sea turismo responsable?
    Al ser una empresa de Turismo con Causa nuestra principal misión es poder proveer experiencias únicas y trascendentales que sean amigables con el medio ambiente. Procuramos trabajar con proveedores locales para hacer derrama económica sostenible y en todos nuestros paquetes se incluye una aportación al TWC Impact Fund, nuestro fondo destinado a proyectos sociales ejecutados por nuestros voluntarios de Travelers With Cause.
  • Is it safe to travel with TWC?
    Travelers With Cause is a social company registered since January 2018. We mobilize more than 1,000 travelers a year and we have registration with the Secretary of Tourism in Mexico. You will also be accompanied throughout your entire process from the moment you apply for one of our programs. until you come back from it. We do not travel to countries with political or social instability, or places that may be dangerous in certain ways. The safety of our travelers is a priority. It is important that you know that it is mandatory to travel with travel insurance as this will be of great support in case of any contingency. We will be able to support you later in your process so that you can get one that fits your needs.
  • How do I get more information?
    You can contact us at our official WhatsApp number: +52 1 81 3087 3839 or send us an email to *Once you apply and are accepted into the program, you will have access to the Route Manual and you will be assigned an experience coordinator who will provide you with personal support.
  • ¿Cómo se realizan los pagos?
    En nuestra página, vas a tener un portal de pagos en donde cada mes podrás pagar la mensualidad que corresponde y ver el avance de los mismos. Si así lo deseas, puedes liquidar el paquete en un solo pago, o abonar cuando te caiga un dinero que no desees gastarte. Entre más antes apliques a tu proyecto, más mensualidades tendrás para poder hacer el pago total de tu paquete. No se aceptan pagos en efectivo y tu paquete tiene que ser liquidado hasta máximo un mes antes de tu viaje.
  • ¿Cuáles son los gastos adicionales?
    Vuelos internacionales e internos Vacunas y visados Comidas no incluidas Souvenirs Vuelos internos Traslados aeropuertos Entrada mirador Phi Phi Traslado Wat Pho, WAT Arun Traslado y Entrada a Monkey Forest Traslado a Seminyak Actividades extra
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